I have not been posting for quite a while now, I think it is
because driving is becoming less of a novelty to me, but there have been plenty
of things happening while driving.
Kilometers driven: 5800 km.
Where: Mostly commuting, and using the same paths all the
Things I dread: Going to places I have never driven before
Preoccupied by: what others think of my driving, especially
when I adventure taking roads I have not going through before.
If I plan to go somewhere I have not driven to before, I
first check the route with Google maps on my computer, then, I use the street
view on areas needing turning decisions and change of lanes to see how it
really looks like at street level, still I use an external navigator while driving, but only as support device to
remind me of those turning points. I like to know exactly which paths to take
before I go. I laugh at myself just by writing this.
Even if I have seen the overall driving path, I have taken
turns a bit before I should have to, and I have had to figure it out how to get
back to the original road again. I have not really gotten lost, but figuring it
out my way back, although quickly, it has not been stress free. I hate the
“turn around when possible” instruction of my navigator, “hello, that I already
I’ve tried to drive on different roads without navigator and
without using Google maps, mostly because I have been on the passenger seat
before on those routes and I know the overall direction. The thing is, that I have to pay very
well attention at the road signs indicating the direction to follow and check I
have space to change lanes on time. What happens is those signs are not always
very clear to me and I end up switching lanes unnecessarily, and at the last
possible time, with caution of course.
Sometimes I wonder what other fellow drivers think of that
behavior, maybe they think the driver is someone who does not know where is going, but is it really
that bad?. I know that the next time I am driving the same road, this will not
happen again because I will know which lane to take exactly.